Caro Rotary Interact Students/ Water &Sanitation Project
Students from our Local Caro Rotary Interact Club went to the Dominican Republic to assist and learn about Rotary Water and Sanitation Project. A Huge Eye Opening Experience. The students who went on the trip were, Sydney Phillips-Caro,Grace Branding-Caro,Mikayla Beeler-Bad Axe,Gabby Beeler-Bad Axe,Sara Wehner- Bad Axe,Jaclyn Iskow- Bad Axe,Dean Zahm- Oscoda,
Patrick Lee- Oscoda.
Adults/chaperones who went on the trip were, Arnie Leriche-Oscoda Lynette Beeler-Bad Axe Julia Behmlander-East Lansing Randy Ettema- Frankenmuth
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