Caro Rotary Club - 1974
First Row seated left to right, Strye, Gallery, Wills, Harris, S. Anderson, Kent, Kern, Rowe, Jankowski, Sparling;
Second Row standing, left to right, Wilson, George Anderson, Scott, Smith, Janks, C. White, Baguley, Nigg, Rolka, Purdy, Ransford, L.J. White, F. Chamberlain Jr., Gingrich;
Third Row standing left to right, Moore, Korte, Bortel, R.J. Thompson, Sines, Walpole, Frederick, Calley, Osgerby, W. Johnson, Holmes, Hartman, F. Chamberlain, Harwick,
(Not Present: Gary Anderson, Baker, Dickerson, Garety, Golsch, Maki, Manasse, McMullen, Richards, Ritter, Sinchak, Tallman, H. Thompson, Vaughan, Larson, Kinsey, Stone, Palmer, H. Johnson)
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