Following the death of her mother, Princess Everest's father has barely let her leave the castle, which hasn't been easy. She's even forced to learn from a terrible teacher, Griselda. Everest longs for adventure, but her father is more concerned about her safety.
However, when there's trouble at the castle, everything changes. Now Everest is experiencing what it's like to live outside the castle walls, free from her father's rules and separated from her brother, Soren.
As Everest starts this new life of freedom, adventure awaits. Along the way, she will meet new friends, uncover old mysteries, and learn more about herself in the process. The only question is, Will she ever see her family or the castle again?"

The Rotary Club of Caro is proud to be one of the sponsors of these cars!
We are proud to be able to help these families have a Merry Christmas!
Students from our Local Caro Rotary Interact Club went to the Dominican Republic to assist and learn about Rotary Water and Sanitation Project. A Huge Eye Opening Experience. The students who went on the trip were, Sydney Phillips-Caro,Grace Branding-Caro,Mikayla Beeler-Bad Axe,Gabby Beeler-Bad Axe,Sara Wehner- Bad Axe,Jaclyn Iskow- Bad Axe,Dean Zahm- Oscoda,
Patrick Lee- Oscoda.
Adults/chaperones who went on the trip were, Arnie Leriche-Oscoda Lynette Beeler-Bad Axe Julia Behmlander-East Lansing Randy Ettema- Frankenmuth