Welcome to our Club!
Rotary Club of Caro


We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 PM
Brentwood Bowling & Restaurant (drive around to the back of the building)
178 Park Dr
Caro, MI 48723
United States of America
Home Page Stories
Our second mural of 2024 has been completed. Artist Kevin Burdick completed 'Embark' on Monday, August 5, 2024. This mural tells the story of how Caro became the county seat of Tuscola County. When Tuscola County was founded, Vassar was the county seat. In 1860, the County Supervisors began discussing that the county seat should be more centrally located. For six years, a battle raged about where the county seat should go and what should happen. In 1866, it was finally decided that Centerville (soon to be Caro) would become the county seat. Peter Bush, one of the first colonial settlers, recognized what an opportunity this would be for Caro. He donated property to the county and built a courthouse. When this was complete, they sent word to Vassar that things were ready and that they should send over the county documents. Vassar declined; they wanted to remain the county seat. After months at a standstill, Peter Bush took things into his own hands. He asked his friend Ashdonquit, an indigenous resident otherwise known as Crossing Cloud or “Indian Dave” to help. Under the dark of night, they paddled downstream in a canoe on the Cass River to Vassar, acquired the documents, and rowed back upstream. The documents were secure in the new courthouse by morning. That is the story of how Caro became the county seat. This mural 'Embark' was created to honor the legacy of those men and tell the story of how history has shaped Caro‘s future.
Jeff Molby has made a very noble and valiant choice in his life to ride his bike across the U.S. and bring awareness to such a need for people to be able to make their chemo appointments. Chemo Riders is a cause he created to do just that. A fellow Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Caro. Follow his journey https://www.youtube.com/@ChemoRiderhttps://chemoriders.org/Rotary. If you can find it in your heart or your schedule to help get someone to a life saving treatment, or donate to the cause. You could help provide that difference in someone's life who needs it most, and make Jeff's mission one of success.
Rotarian, Judge Amy Gierhart was pleased to present scholarships to 2022 graduates Olivia Walker, Tyrese Beedle, and Allison Abbott.
Thanks to Carol Starling for organizing another successful Christmas shopping project! 
Last Wednesday, Margo Hahn, Kent Graf, and Jerry and Phoebe Bernhardt along with Mary Bauerschmidt and a dozen Interact members did some serious shopping.  Local families who would otherwise not have much to celebrate will find clothes and toys under the Christmas tree. 
We are still seeking donations to do more!  For any Rotarian who would like to contribute, simply drop off a check for $125 at the welcome table and you will be providing a Christmas for another child in Caro.  
Emily Speirs, Cass City freshman and published author, spoke to the Club today about her book, The Aralan Chronicles. This book is suggested for readers age 8-12. Summary: "

Following the death of her mother, Princess Everest's father has barely let her leave the castle, which hasn't been easy. She's even forced to learn from a terrible teacher, Griselda. Everest longs for adventure, but her father is more concerned about her safety.

However, when there's trouble at the castle, everything changes. Now Everest is experiencing what it's like to live outside the castle walls, free from her father's rules and separated from her brother, Soren.

As Everest starts this new life of freedom, adventure awaits. Along the way, she will meet new friends, uncover old mysteries, and learn more about herself in the process. The only question is, Will she ever see her family or the castle again?"

Rotary President Jodi Fetting presented a $100 Visa gift card to Jordyn Nordstrom for the Caro Alternative Education Christmas Celebration on behalf of the Caro Rotary Club. The Club appreciates the staff’s dedication to make Christmas special for their students!
F/Lt. Brian McComb, commander of the Michigan State Police Caro Post and Trooper Nicole Dhooghe presented about what they are working on in the community, including their new Drunk Driving Simulator cars that they are taking to different schools to help prevent drunk driving.
The Rotary Club of Caro is proud to be one of the sponsors of these cars!
Thank you to Heather LaBerge, principal at McComb Elementary and the school social worker Brian Bennett for discussing the Christmas Family project that we do and how beneficial (and needed) it is for the families.

We are proud to be able to help these families have a Merry Christmas!
Our 42nd annual Pancake Supper on the Thursday even of Pumpkin Festival was a rousing success. With over 300 takeout orders and about 700 people through the line, it was enough to keep the adult Rotarians, as well as the middle school and high school Interact Club  and the Boys Scouts busy for a couple of hours. The Pancake Supper is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We thank everyone who donated, worked, or ate the delicious pancakes and sausage, as well as those who sang and played.
Don't forget to sign up for the Caro Rotary Wine Tasting and Dinner to be held on February 28th, 2019 at Brentwood Meeting Room 6:pm.  See Robert Wolak for more details.
 It is an honor to be named a Paul Harris Fellow. Honorary Membership is the highest distinction that a Club may bestow on a Rotarian. It is bestowed in exceptional cases for meritorious service.  Caro Rotary is proud to recognize its newest Paul Harris Fellows Karly Creaguer, Matt Branding and Nicholas Schmelter.
Our 2018 RYLA Caro students Kyle Severn, Ashton Goodchild, and Syrus Strachan recently attended Rotary Youth Leadership Awards at Camp Rotary and gave us an overview of their exciting week. They also included how these new leadership skills will be used every day going forward.  RYLA is a Rotary sponsored conference for students and is paid for by Caro Rotary Club to improve Leadership skills for local youth. 
Congratulations to Jamie Wark for being presented with the Rotarian of the Year Award by now Immediate Past President Marty Hall for her work during his President's Year 2017-2018. An Award all Rotarians feel she well deserves.  Great Job Jamie you are a true Rotarian demonstrating the "Service Above Self" Rotary Moto.
Starting in the left upper corner going across six then down to the next line on the left page.  . R. L. Dixon 1925-1927, H. P. Orr 27-28, C. A. Klein 1928-1929, C. R. Meyers 29-30, N. D. Braby 30, A. D. Gallery 31, A. R. Stone 31-32, M. J. Crawford, E. J. Riley 33-34, F. C. Striffler 34-35, K. K. Kinsey 35-36, J. H. Schwaderer 36-37, R. S. Park 37-38, J. L. French 38-39, C. D. Andrews 39-40, D. R. Ellwanger 40-41, H. O. Dibble 41-42, A. J. Geib 42-43, K. G. Kerr 43-44, Andrew Larsen 44-45, M. C. Ransford 45-46, F. J. Purdy 46-47, O. C. Palmer 47-48, C. L. Bougher 48-49. Now the right side top left.  A. O. Purdy 49-50, I. L. Baguley 50-51, R. M. Orr 51-52, C. F. Mantey 52-53, W. W. Dickerson 53-54, F. J Rolka 54-55, B. C. Travis 55-56, M. Roy smith 56-57, Howard H. Purdy 57-58, Bates Wills 58-59, Mahlon Vance 59, Wayne Prillman 60, Patrick Garety 60-61, Frank Fulmer, 61-62, William Janks 62-63, Fred McMullen 63-64, Sterling Harris 64-65, James Deming 65-66, Harold Johnson, 66-67, Warren Wilson 67-68, Dick Harwick 68-69, Norbert Jankowski 69-70, Harry Richards 71-72, Herbert L. Nigg 72-73

Students from our Local Caro Rotary Interact Club went to the Dominican Republic to assist and learn about Rotary Water and Sanitation Project.  A Huge Eye Opening Experience.  The students who went on the trip were, Sydney Phillips-Caro,Grace Branding-Caro,Mikayla Beeler-Bad Axe,Gabby Beeler-Bad Axe,Sara Wehner- Bad Axe,Jaclyn Iskow- Bad Axe,Dean Zahm- Oscoda,

Patrick Lee- Oscoda.


Adults/chaperones who went on the trip were, Arnie Leriche-Oscoda Lynette Beeler-Bad Axe Julia Behmlander-East Lansing Randy Ettema- Frankenmuth

February 2025
Website Sponsors
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Executive Secretary / Director
Foundation Chair
Membership Chair
Committe Chair
Public Image
Service Projects
Membership Co-chair
Interact Club Advisor
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

